"A Bryce Summer — Tutorial"
or "How to fix you up a nice summer with Bryce in 30 easy steps"

by Jean-Pierre Lapointe & Denis Vallée, Technologies Optim Inc.
(c) Copyright 1998, Technologies Optim Inc.


As when creating any good-quality scenery or animation, it is advised to hand-draw a draft or a story-board, which will help you to realise your project.

The folder “A Bryce Summer — Tutorial” contains all files necessary to complete this tutorial.

Elevations in Bryce are based upon grey shades. The top and bottom levels of a mountain are represented as white and black, respectively. All elevation files necessary for this tutorial are provided.

Step 1

Start Bryce 3D and create a mountain (using the “Terrain” button).

Create Terrain button


Step 2

Associate a new colour to the object family using the second small button in the working area (green for mountains)

Family Colour button

and call that family “Mounts”. This will help you later.

Mounts Family snapshot


Step 3

Click on “Edit”, then on the “Terrain/Object” button.

Edit Terrain/Object button


Step 4

Click on the “Picture” button and choose the Mountain01.tif file in the BumpMaps folder.

Choose Picture screen


Step 5

Click on “Grid” and select “512 — ultra-fine”.

To add erosion to the mountain frame, click “Brush behavior” and select “Erosion” from the pop-up menu.

Brush Behavior menu

Drag the cursor along the river and mountain borders.


Click “OK” (the checkmark button). You get back to your mounain having the frame for the waterfall and the river. Clicking the “Render” button should give the following result.

Mountain Elevation

Save your project!

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